Earlier this year, for Mother's Day, Kate's husband bought her a gift certificate for a portrait session, knowing that she wanted to spruce up her website and online image. Kate has an enviable job, she gets to go through peoples' closets and advise them on what works best for them in their wardrobe. According to Kate, its a kinder, gentler "What Not to Wear". Kate's company is called KD Consulting, you can check out her website and give her a call if you need a little fashion consulting.
As if that wasn't cool enough, Kate mentioned that she was transforming her business, combining it with a friend of her's business Room by Room Design, into a new concept called Fusion of Style (coming soon). Fusion of Style combines Kate's fashion-savvy with friend Stephanie's home design expertise, into one super-amazing and very cool personal and home fashion consulting dynamo.
James and I headed over to Stephanie's amazing home in La Jolla for a fun photo shoot, to get some new pictures of them for their online portfolio. Here are some of our faves, check back soon for the launch of their new site.
We were looking for something that said powerful and professional, yet approachable and stylish...I think we hit it perfectly. First Kate...

Then Stephanie...

Finally, Kate had these really cool beaded bracelets, and they looked awesome against this box Stephanie had at home. If this mix is any indication of the fusion of Kate and Stephanie's style, their business is sure to be a success. Congratulations to both, we look forward to helping you make San Diego more stylish and fashionable!

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