who doesn't remember pretty in pink? molly ringwald in all her 80s glory, desperate to go to prom, but didn't have the money for a dress. so she made one, a beautiful (in her mind) pink gown. well if she had known about the princess project, she might have been able to save herself some time.
the princess project is a cool organization that supports a girl's dream of being able to attend prom. through this organization, you can donate old dresses that they will in turn give to young girls so they can fulfill their dream of attending prom. they also have opportunities to volunteer, both in san francisco area and in san diego, so there is plenty of opportunity for you to get involved.
and today's post features an adorable little princess who was just about 3 months old for our shoot. from engagement to wedding to maternity to newborn and now family photo shoots, we have loved getting to know lisa and tim and giving them the memories of a lifetime.
happy holidays,
dani + james
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
dec 17: a month of charitable giving -- alzheimers.org | sf bay area photographer
i can't imagine what it would be like to not remember things, basic things, memories of the good times, my husband's name. but that is exactly what happens with alzheimers, it takes away your memory and interferes with your brain, making it difficult to even live. according to the website, alzheimers is the 6th leading cause of death in the US. with all the scientific advances and medical breakthroughs we read about every day, it would seem like a cure should be right around the corner, but the brain is a tricky beast and unfortunately, a cure still seems quite far away.
alzheimers.org is an organization that helps both people suffering from the disease (or other forms of dementia) and their supporters and family. we've been supporting this organization for the past couple of years, since one of my closest family members was diagnosed with dementia. we see the daily struggles, see the difficulty in speaking and interacting and it breaks our hearts. so we do the little that we can and donate to fund medical research, in the hopes that one day soon a cure will be found.
today we are sharing a family who we've know for so many years, we've watched their family grow and keep growing and its always so great to see their cute smiling faces. this was taken under crystal pier, in san diego, on a perfect san diego winter day.
happy holidays!
dani + james
alzheimers.org is an organization that helps both people suffering from the disease (or other forms of dementia) and their supporters and family. we've been supporting this organization for the past couple of years, since one of my closest family members was diagnosed with dementia. we see the daily struggles, see the difficulty in speaking and interacting and it breaks our hearts. so we do the little that we can and donate to fund medical research, in the hopes that one day soon a cure will be found.
today we are sharing a family who we've know for so many years, we've watched their family grow and keep growing and its always so great to see their cute smiling faces. this was taken under crystal pier, in san diego, on a perfect san diego winter day.
happy holidays!
dani + james
Monday, December 16, 2013
dec 16: a month of charitable giving -- jonathan collins org | sf bay area photographer
for the past few years, james and i have basically skipped christmas, only buying gifts for the kids in our life. we take the money we would have spent on gifts and donate to charities instead. and this year, we took a percentage of each holiday photo shoot and donated to a charity that we like. many of the charities we have been donating to for years, but we also find new ideas from friends, colleagues and from magazine articles like glamour's 31 days of giving. this list has ideas that are easy to support, for just a few dollars.
today we are featuring a charity (we found on glamour's list) that is so heartwarming and thoughtful, helping the children of deployed military parents. the jonathan collins organization will send a cute teddy bear with a recorded message from the parent to the child when a parent deploys. the program is called a message from the heart, and i can only imagine the surprise and delight when the child gets that cute little bear and hears mommy or daddy's voice. for just $25 you can send a child a comfort bear and you can find out more on facebook.
for today's holiday session, we're sharing one of our LA families, who we have known for many years. we first photographed them when there were only 4, and now they are an awesome family of 5, with amazing personalities and fabulousness to boot (check out those outfits). the pictures were taken at a gorgeous park in beverly hills, will rogers memorial park.
happy holidays!
dani + james
today we are featuring a charity (we found on glamour's list) that is so heartwarming and thoughtful, helping the children of deployed military parents. the jonathan collins organization will send a cute teddy bear with a recorded message from the parent to the child when a parent deploys. the program is called a message from the heart, and i can only imagine the surprise and delight when the child gets that cute little bear and hears mommy or daddy's voice. for just $25 you can send a child a comfort bear and you can find out more on facebook.
for today's holiday session, we're sharing one of our LA families, who we have known for many years. we first photographed them when there were only 4, and now they are an awesome family of 5, with amazing personalities and fabulousness to boot (check out those outfits). the pictures were taken at a gorgeous park in beverly hills, will rogers memorial park.
happy holidays!
dani + james
Sunday, December 15, 2013
dec 15: a month of charitable giving -- the sam fund | sf bay area photographer
i came across this charity recently, on the recommendation from a colleague. after reading the stories of these young adults affected by cancer and how the sam fund helps them to move on with their lives, i was hooked. i like the idea of being able to help people move forward with their lives, to win over this vicious and indiscriminate disease, to be able to have just a little comfort after a lot of pain. you can find out more about the sam fund by checking out their website here or by following them on facebook.
today's holiday photo session is from one of our san diego families who we have been photographing for years. we have seen these adorable little girls grow up and we look forward to seeing them every year. this year's session was taken in del mar, right near l'auberge hotel, which is quite a spectacular property.
happy holidays!
dani + james
Saturday, December 14, 2013
dec 14: a month of charitable giving -- american cancer society | sf bay area photographer
i'm not sure about you, but whenever i see one of those commercials about celebrating another birthday, i can't help but feel grateful for the american cancer society. cancer is such a vicious disease, it seems like it is everywhere i turn these days -- from family to friends to my favorite tv characters and fictional book heroines, i just can't escape it. so i help in the little way i can, by donating to the american cancer society throughout the year.
james and i met sandy and john at a cooking class years ago, and we love seeing them every year. enjoy today's family holiday photo, taken at hotel del coronado.
happy holidays!
dani + james
Sunday, December 8, 2013
dec 8-13: a month of charitable giving -- greater good | sf bay area photographer
no matter your preference, the greater good has a charity for you. do you love animals? then you can donate to animal rescue organizations. pets not your thing but instead want to make a difference in people's lives? then you can donate to fight hunger here, through operation sandwich. or maybe you want to help our planet -- you can do that too, all through greater good. we like this organization because it simplifies giving, and they have donated over $30M to charitable causes over the past 7 years. with a simple click, you can donate (sometimes for FREE) to organizations that really make an impact on peoples' lives around the world.
for this holiday posting, we are sharing another one of our LA families, who we have known for years. they were one of our first wedding clients, and we have watched their family grow -- we love seeing them every year. they just welcomed a new little boy and we were thrilled to meet the little guy. this was taken at will rogers memorial park, in beverly hills. love, love, love the navy and green, so fabulous.
happy holidays,
dani + james
for this holiday posting, we are sharing another one of our LA families, who we have known for years. they were one of our first wedding clients, and we have watched their family grow -- we love seeing them every year. they just welcomed a new little boy and we were thrilled to meet the little guy. this was taken at will rogers memorial park, in beverly hills. love, love, love the navy and green, so fabulous.
happy holidays,
dani + james
Saturday, December 7, 2013
dec 7: a month of charitable giving -- the breast cancer site | sf bay area photographer
this is a really cool and super easy way to give this year, it is FREE!!! yes, all it takes is a few seconds and a click of the mouse and you can give a woman in need a free mammogram. visit the breast cancer site here and click your way to giving.
today's family photo was taken at the hotel del coronado, a fantastic hotel in san diego that provides a great backdrop for photos or is fabulous for a little r&r. love how the colors pop here, and love the leather sassiness, fierce!
happy holidays,
dani + james
today's family photo was taken at the hotel del coronado, a fantastic hotel in san diego that provides a great backdrop for photos or is fabulous for a little r&r. love how the colors pop here, and love the leather sassiness, fierce!
happy holidays,
dani + james
Friday, December 6, 2013
dec 6: a month of charitable giving -- drivetoendhunger.org | sf bay area photographer
every year glamour magazine does the 31 days of giving, and this year, we are stealing some of their ideas. like today's donation, to the drive to end hunger. this is an aarp organization that helps seniors to make sure they don't go hungry. according to their website, "Nearly 9 million Americans 50+ are at risk for hunger every day – a staggering 79 percent increase in just 10 years." with only a few dollars donation, you can help end hunger for struggling seniors in this country.
and today's family shoot is from balboa park, one of our favorite places ever. it only took a little coaxing to get the little one smiling and posing, and then we couldn't get her to stop :) love how everyone has their own personality in these photos...just adorable!
happy holidays,
dani + james
and today's family shoot is from balboa park, one of our favorite places ever. it only took a little coaxing to get the little one smiling and posing, and then we couldn't get her to stop :) love how everyone has their own personality in these photos...just adorable!
happy holidays,
dani + james
Thursday, December 5, 2013
dec 5: a month of charitable giving -- ASPCA | sf bay area photographer
so many of you who know us also know our little dog, foxy. yes, we have become those people who take our dog everywhere, and it is because of the ASPCA that we even have our cute little sidekick. about 2 years ago, we went to the peninsula humane society instead of going to the puppy store, even though there was the cutest and fluffiest puppy in the store. after reading more about the cruelty that many of these puppies endure, we went back to the humane society and found foxy.

every month we donate to the humane society, to help dogs get their vaccinations, microchipped and just generally ready for adoption. you can donate by clicking here and there are plenty of opportunities for you to adopt a cute little foxy of your own at your local shelter.
here is a little collage of foxy after a long day at play, she is absolutely soaked...
happy holidays!
dani + james + foxy
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
dec 4: a month of charitable giving -- toys for tots | sf bay area photographer
in honor of james, whose birthday is today, we are featuring toys for tots, a fantastic organization that you surely have come across in years past. the toys for tots program was started by the marines and is another organization that is super responsibly run. we love that most of the money donated goes directly to the children to buy toys and gifts.
you can donate by clicking here, and make a child's christmas super happy this year.
and today's photo is another one of our san diego family, at another one of our favorite places, old poway park. love, love, love, especially the cute little puppy...
happy holidays,
dani + james
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
dec 3: a month of charitable giving -- USO | sf bay area photographer
as many of you know, james is a former marine, so military-focused charities have a special place in our hearts. for years, we have been donating to the USO, which provides care packages, entertainment and support to our troops overseas.
it is amazing how little you can donate and still make a tremendous difference in the lives of the soliders who are away from their families for months at a time. from phone cards to magazines to basic toiletries to snack foods, the USO provides it all. and if you want to get more involved, you can volunteer with the USO and provide much needed help welcoming our soldiers back home or assisting in putting together care packages. you can also check out their facebook page here.
for today's holiday photo, we are sharing a session from balboa park in san diego, one of our favorite locations EVER. this little guy is so personable, and loves to rock it out with the camera. thanks holden for being such a little rockstar!
happy holidays,
dani & james
it is amazing how little you can donate and still make a tremendous difference in the lives of the soliders who are away from their families for months at a time. from phone cards to magazines to basic toiletries to snack foods, the USO provides it all. and if you want to get more involved, you can volunteer with the USO and provide much needed help welcoming our soldiers back home or assisting in putting together care packages. you can also check out their facebook page here.
for today's holiday photo, we are sharing a session from balboa park in san diego, one of our favorite locations EVER. this little guy is so personable, and loves to rock it out with the camera. thanks holden for being such a little rockstar!
happy holidays,
dani & james
Monday, December 2, 2013
dec 2: a month of charitable giving -- Second Harvest | sf bay area photographer
when we look for charities to support, we love finding ones that have a big role in the local community. so when we moved to the bay area, we found second harvest food bank, which provides food and meals to people who are down on their luck. we also like that they have a high score for fiscal responsibility, meaning that the majority of our donation goes right to buying food and goods. this month, you can donate a turkey to help a needy family or you can volunteer at a local food bank.
and for today's holiday photo, one of our favorite families in san diego, taken at crystal pier in pacific beach.
happy holidays,
dani & james
Sunday, December 1, 2013
dec 1: a month of charitable giving -- GLIDE SF | sf bay area photographer
every year james and i skip the christmas presents for everyone except the kids and instead donate to our favorite charities. this year, we are stepping it up and donating to a different charity every day in december. and we are excited to donate part of our holiday photo proceeds, so thank you to all our fabulous clients for helping us make someone's christmas a little brighter.
to start off december, we are donating to GLIDE, a fantastic organization in SF that helps break the cycle of poverty and homelessness. one of the things we liked most about GLIDE is how involved they are in the local community, you can really see the effects of your donations firsthand, and you can volunteer in so many different ways.
this first post is part of our bay area family and are so much fun. we did photos at the pulgas water temple, which is super amazing but really hard to get into on the weekends. make sure you check park times for all the details.
happy holidays!
dani and james
to start off december, we are donating to GLIDE, a fantastic organization in SF that helps break the cycle of poverty and homelessness. one of the things we liked most about GLIDE is how involved they are in the local community, you can really see the effects of your donations firsthand, and you can volunteer in so many different ways.
this first post is part of our bay area family and are so much fun. we did photos at the pulgas water temple, which is super amazing but really hard to get into on the weekends. make sure you check park times for all the details.
happy holidays!
dani and james
Thursday, October 31, 2013
happy halloween | san diego newborn photographer
well it has been pretty busy around here, as you can tell from my severe lack of posts. maybe i'll try and get ahead one of these days, but for now, enjoy this cute little (and i mean little) newborn. congrats ang and josh!
Monday, September 2, 2013
lisa and tim +1 | san diego maternity photographer | old poway park maternity session
it is always such an honor when our clients welcome us back into their lives, and we were thrilled to hear that lisa and tim were expecting. they wanted a bit more rustic look, so we headed out to old poway park for a relaxed maternity session.
lisa looked amazing (as always), with a perfect glow and tim was so excited to meet his little baby girl. here are my faves from the shoot...

congrats lisa and tim, we'll look forward to seeing baby audrey next time on the blog!
lisa looked amazing (as always), with a perfect glow and tim was so excited to meet his little baby girl. here are my faves from the shoot...
congrats lisa and tim, we'll look forward to seeing baby audrey next time on the blog!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
the perfect treat: arlequin pretzel croissant | sf photographer
i thought it had to be too good to be true when i first heard of this treat -- 1/2 pretzel, 1/2 croissant -- fresh baked daily in a little cafe in sf. yesterday afternoon i dragged james and foxy up to hayes valley where we visited arlequin cafe and sampled this delicious treat. it was amazing, flaky like a croissant and salty like a pretzel. not too rich, perfect with the very fancy cafe mocha i drank or the glass of wine james had.
after our afternoon snack, we headed over to noir lounge to grab a glass of wine and it is a super cool place. not only are they super dog-friendly, but the wines are good, the ambiance is chill and its in the newly hip hayes valley. i highly recommend both these places if you are in the neighborhood!
after our afternoon snack, we headed over to noir lounge to grab a glass of wine and it is a super cool place. not only are they super dog-friendly, but the wines are good, the ambiance is chill and its in the newly hip hayes valley. i highly recommend both these places if you are in the neighborhood!
sf eats,
sf hotspot,
sf pretzel
Sunday, June 16, 2013
happy father's day | san francisco family photographer
happy father's day to all the wonderful fathers who have let me share a little bit of your lives with you through years of photography. by the looks of these photos, i don't think my family had a photographer around until my wedding day :)
happy father's day dad, we love you and all your crazy style...
happy father's day dad, we love you and all your crazy style...
Sunday, May 12, 2013
happy mother's day
your arms were always open when I needed a hug. your heart understood when I needed a friend. your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson. your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly. --sarah malin
a little gem of my mom and brother in the late 1970s...happy mother's day to my mom and to all the moms who make the world wonderful!
Monday, February 4, 2013
family fun at old poway park | san diego family photographer
the last couple months have been pretty hectic around the bay area, so we have been on a bit of a hiatus from sharing pictures. but we're back and ready to share some more family fun. first off, an absolutely gorgeous family from our holiday sessions in san diego. these were taken at one of our favorite places, old poway park, which has a rustic vibe and some very cool old trains.
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