Friday, May 15, 2009

starbucks 1 - mcdonalds 0

so i am an advertiser's dream, trying every new product they put in front of me. wowed by the messages promising fame, fortune or maybe just creamy goodness. on my way home from la last night, i decided to try mcdonalds new iced mocha, which they claim is the affordable version of a starbucks. as i waited in the drive through window and saw the cashier putting the final touches of whipped cream on my drink, my lips were watering. and then i tasted it. all i have to say is that mcdonalds doesn't have anything on the starbucks mocha frappuccino or iced mocha.

in another bit of fast food disappointment (yes, i am back eating fast food now that i am back travelling as a consultant), i tried the jack in the box mini sirloin burgers (see the commercial below if you haven't seen it).

i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the commercial, so i was psyched to finally get my hands on those yummy bits of heaven. again, one bite into them and i knew it was advertising trickery.

i am sure this won't sway me from trying yet another new and not-so-tasty treat, but hopefully i'll save you from wasting your money :)

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