Friday, June 5, 2009

engaged! cory and james

its always great to meet a couple with whom we just click--between sharing the same name, same look and same love of all things liquor, we couldn't have found a closer soul-mate for james. we met cory and james a couple weeks ago in little italy, where they live, and started out at the waterfront bar to loosen up a bit.

after a couple cocktails, we headed out on a photo safari of little italy, taking advantage of the cool colored walls and fun street scenes.

i love this one of cory...

another bar stop, this time at sogno di vino, a very cool little wine bar, where everyone is speaking italiano...

after a quick outfit change, we headed down to the hotel del, where james proposed to cory. although it was a bit chilly and the sun dipped behind the clouds before we could get any sunset shots, it was absolutely beautiful.

we are definitely looking forward to the wedding later this summer, and know its going to be a great party!

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