michele and brian wanted to have a small and intimate wedding celebration, and chose the beautiful
hotel del coronado for their event. the weather wasn't great, but that didn't damper the mood for this very affectionate bride and groom. while james got some pictures of brian getting ready, i spent time with michele, her girlfriends and her mom.

brian's ring was one of his uncle's from a long time ago...so cool...

i loved michele's mom's expression as she watched her daughter getting ready

michele looked so beautiful--simple and elegant...

michele's parents were so happy to see their daughter marry brian, and their expressions didn't change through the whole event

i love how michele's sister officiated the ceremony, and was overjoyed when she announced that brian could kiss the bride...

michele and brian are so in love, we liked to catch them in these impromptu moments throughout the evening...

here are some of our favorites of michele and brian...

one of our new favorite poses, taught to us by the very cool
erin youngren

michele and brian have already headed out for their extended honeymoon, a 2-month trip across the country, we are so jealous. congratulations again on your wedding, and we hope you have an amazing trip!